Mon - Fri: 8am - 5 pm   |  P: 1-844-ETWORKS

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    Rural, Set, Go!

    Connecting employers with local resources to improve the economic and workforce development in East Texas.

    Rural Economic Development Forum Series

    Workforce Solutions East Texas, in partnership with the East Texas Council of Governments, and local elected officials, traveled the region between 2021 - 2022 hosting its rural economic development forum series titled Rural, Set, Go! Approximately 800 attendees joined the forums that took place in East Texas rural counties. 

    Rural, Set, Go! is an intentional strategy to engage community leaders, business leaders, and community members in candid conversations about the factors that influence their local workforce and economic development needs. The forums began to address some very basic needs for sustainable growth, including increased access to education, workforce, and economic development resources, the challenges of opportunity deserts which are defined as lack of broadband access, lack of basic services such as transportation, child care resources, training and skills development and access to jobs.

    Did you miss the Rural, Set, Go! event in your community? That's ok! Videos are avaialble from the 2022 events in each county below. 

    A man in a suit is giving a presentation to a group of people

    2022 Labor Market Information

    Dr. Manuel Reyes-Loya, of the Hibbs Institute, a unit of the Soules College of Business at UT Tyler, shared data reports on Employment by Industry, Employment Growth by Industry, Relevant Occupations within Fastest Growing Industries, and Educational Profiles by Occupation for each county.

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